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Data Cleaning

(1) Trim & clean your data

Upload your file here, the system will help you to perform:

  1. Strip all column names if any;
  2. Lower casee all column names if any;
  3. Replace column names that contain spacing to "_" if any;
  4. Drop duplicates if any
And then return a cleaned copy to you.

(2) Imputation: Replace Missing Values

Upload your file here, the system will help you to perform:

And then return a cleaned copy to you.

(3) Label Encoding for Categorical Attributes

Upload your file here, the system will help you to perform:

And then return a cleaned copy to you.

(4) IQR: Remove Outliers

Upload your file here, the system will help you to perform:

And then return a cleaned copy to you.

Data Modelling

(1) What kind of task is the Modelling?

Regression Task Classification Task